Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week 1 at GMI w/ Maame Akua and Akua (Di and Amanda)

It’s been almost a week since we left good Ole Rocky Top for Ghana, West Africa. The flight over was long and definitely tiresome, but it was so much better traveling w/ sisters in Christ! We got here late and after getting away from the “helpers” at the airport, Reid Beebe was driving us to where we would stay. After not even 3 months here, he is driving like a Ghanaian (scary thought!). After unloading and setting in, Katie went with the Beebe’s and we stayed in Teshie where the next day was go, go, go! We went to the orphanage (GMI) for the first time, and immediately got to work-playing with the kids. It really is a full time job because there are around 36 younger kids ages 2-10 and then some older ones that altogether make about 50 kids. They all call us Maame (“mommy”). We don’t know all their stories or where they came from, so at times it is very difficult to try to love them the best way or even speak with them.
Most of the kids attend school at GMI in 2 different classrooms. Sadly, the work is not consistent or for a full school day. Yesterday neither teacher showed up, but thankfully some of the older kids stepped in to help. The learning style is very different in Ghana than in the US, so Di and I are adapting it. We were responsible for teaching the kids phonics to help w/ reading, but it looks like we will be taking over all the teaching now until others are hired. One thing we’ve noticed is that discipline is different here. Kids here are like kids at home, manifesting their fallen nature in many ways. We try to give the children love and nurturing as if each one is our own because that is something they need, but one part of love is discipline, correcting and training in the Lord (Prov. 22:6). Since the problem lies in the heart, the only answer is a God-changed one, and as we heard in church Sunday, you can’t be like God if you don’t know Him. We made t-shirts that have different Bible verses on them; mine will say one and Di’s will quote another one that corresponds to it. There’s little lessons for each verse, too. The first verses we went over were Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 connecting how God is first and above all, and therefore we are accountable to Him as our authority (we had to teach them what authority meant). We tied in listening to God as our ultimate authority and listening to those authorities placed over us. Even if it is not a mother and father, there are others responsible for them who direct them out of love. It was precious to see the kids working on memorizing the verses after school time, saying it over and over to each other and helping each other out. We pray that God uses this to change hearts and grow them in knowledge of Him, and we know that apart from Him these shirts and lessons are fruitless.
God has already blessed us even in the preparation to teach lessons with the verses. When going over John 1, we talked about verse 5 “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it,” marveling at God’s sovereignty and authority over all in the world. How wonderful to know that He is not overcome or taken aback by anything, instead it all occurs the way it does for His own Glory!!! Minutes later, as we’re heading for the orphanage to teach, Mr. O’Leary stops us downstairs and tells us about the villages D and N we will be going to Friday and Saturday. He says some serious spiritual warfare is occurring there, especially in Village N which is consumed with idol worship and witchcraft. There is a small church there being persecuted right now. As we prayed over these villages, God brought to our minds what we’d just studied of how He is the light in the darkness, and He will not be overcome by it. Praise God! Please pray for the situation in Villages D and N as outreach is done this weekend and beyond!
God has granted us a smooth transition to the Ghanaian cultural experience. Our stomachs have been fed and not upset, and though tired, God has boosted our energy stores to keep up with all the crazy little ones. The mosquitoes really like Di (14 bites and counting vs. me with 0 hahaha), and tomorrow is laundry day. All glory and thanksgiving goes to God who allowed this opportunity of serving and growing us. Soli Deo Gloria
Thoughts from Morning and Evening-Spurgeon graciously donated by Danielle D: "Let us not see the face of man today till we have seen Jesus. Time spent with Him is laid out at blessed interest. We too shall cast out devils and work wonders if we go down into the world girded with that divine energy which Christ alone can give. It is of no use going to the Lord's battle till we are armed with heavenly weapons. We must see Jesus, this is essential."


Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the update so we can more accurately pray. Y'all got you hands full for sure as you care for these souls. Chad

2:04 PM

Blogger Hillbilly Rockin' Robin said...

Blessings to you. We are so excited to be with you this weekend!! Yes, much, much later is needed for these two outreaches. May Gods go before us to prepare hearts for His truth. Than you both for the work you are doing! Let us not grow weary in doing good. Keep abiding in Christ!

3:53 PM

Blogger Hillbilly Rockin' Robin said...

Ugh Typing on my phone. Much PRAYER is needed...

3:54 PM


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